The Other Way Around

Gaining Support For Recovery Ministry

Every story has a beginning.  In this presentation, we will explore the story of the Journey to Wholeness addiction recovery program, learning why it is founded on the principles of 12-step recovery programs.  Learn how the joy, hope, and courage that comes from peer support is a keynote of our story of recovery.

Meet Our Presenter

Dr. Kathy Beagles Connef

Dr. Coneff is an educator who has spent many years in classrooms and in developing Bible-based curriculum for young people. She recently retired as editor of a magazine for 10-14 year-olds that features true stories pointing them to Jesus.  While teaching and developing Bible study curriculum for the world church, Kathy began her co-dependency recovery. She was blessed by how integrally inter-related her spiritual growth and her recovery were.  It is from that base that she taught Fostering Spiritual Growth at the Seminary, and in retirement still speaks and writes about spiritual growth and transformation.  Her burden is to help all God’s children understand how very much He wanted them, loves them, and hopes that they will let Him transform them into the image He intended them to have—like His Son, Jesus.

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Visit the Pillars resources page for more informative and practical webinars on addictions, addiction recovery, and the Christ-centered Journey to Wholeness program of recovery.