What Pastors Should Know about FCNs


What Pastors Should Know about FCNs Featured Article, June 2023 In a world of complexity, riddled with despair, sickness, and crime, it is good to know that there are many pastors with caring hearts. Pastors are usually at the forefront of many of the events taking place in a community and in the church. However, they should be aware that they are not alone.  They should know that there is help within each church congregation in the form of Faith Community Nurses, who can assist in this most important work. Faith Community Nursing (FCN; previously known [...]

What Pastors Should Know about FCNs2023-06-29T15:01:55-04:00

Membership Matters


Membership Matters Featured Article, June 2023 Are you an up-to-date member of the Adventist Association of Faith Community Nursing (AAFCN)? If your answer is “No”, then you are the right person reading the right article at the right time – time when matters of membership move to front and center. Are you eligible to be an AAFCN member? Friend Level – If you are a member of the Seventh-day Adventist church and are interested in promoting health ministry in your church, then the answer is “Yes!” Pastors, educators, non-healthcare people, allied health professionals, LPN’s and LVN’s, [...]

Membership Matters2023-06-29T15:08:55-04:00

Levántenlo, Él nos llama a hacerlo


Levántenlo, Él nos llama a hacerlo: La plenitud de la vida se acuna en los brazos de la buena salud. Sin embargo, miramos a nuestro alrededor y vemos trabajadores de la salud estresados, agotados y que dejan el trabajo en números récord, o tal vez, están considerando irse. ¿Y tú cómo estás? ¿Has sido llamado para un momento como este? El Día de Agradecimiento a las Enfermeras de la Division Norteamericana fue el pasado 6 de mayo de 2023. Las enfermeras pueden ser apreciadas cualquier día del año. Utiliza estos recursos en la fecha que sea mejor para [...]

Levántenlo, Él nos llama a hacerlo2024-03-07T17:13:39-05:00

Lift Him Up, ‘Tis He that Bids You


Lift Him Up, 'Tis He That Bids You: The fullness of life is cradled in the arms of good health. Yet we look all around and see healthcare workers, stressed, burned out and leaving in record numbers or perhaps, considering leaving. How are you holding up? Have you been called for such a time as this? NAD Nurses Appreciation Sabbath was May 6, 2023. Nurses can be appreciated any day of the year. Use these resources on a date that is best for your church. Learn How Your Church Can Support Nurses in Health Ministry Para español, [...]

Lift Him Up, ‘Tis He that Bids You2024-03-07T17:11:41-05:00

Nurse Self-care


Nurses Health and Self-care February 2023 The new year of 2023 is here and so is our brand-new Newsletter for the AAFCN in conjunction with the NAD.  The “AAFCN Illuminator” is set to be launched in February 2023.  This quarterly newsletter will feature inspiring articles to enhance the lives of FCNs through providing pertinent information and thought-provoking subjects.  We praise God for the suggestion of developing this newsletter from our leaders and all the committed and creative staff that will be working hard to produce and keep us up to date with the latest, evidenced-based information. [...]

Nurse Self-care2023-02-08T15:54:34-05:00

National Cancer Month


February is National Cancer Prevention Month Social commerce is a part of the greater e-commerce market, which has seen a significant uplift in the past few years. In 2020, amid the COVID lockdown, social commerce got a big boom while people were confined to their homes. The volume of buyers on social media platforms has increased from 18 million buyers in 2018 to 80 million buyers in 2020. However,  after mid-2021, the count decreased to 56 million buyers due to lockdown relaxations and the opening of malls and shopping centers. In 2022, experts estimate 70 million [...]

National Cancer Month2023-06-29T14:34:03-04:00

Eula Winston


Eula Winston Illuminator's Spotlight, February 2023 The AAFCN has recently started a quarterly newsletter called The AAFCN Illuminator. Within it we’ve decided to do a spot on a selected AAFCN called:  The Illuminator’s Spotlight.  It was not difficult at all to choose the first selectee as she (and her husband) are a couple that I have admired from a distance for several decades and for multiple reasons with its crowning reason…well, I will speak more on that later. Now, on to the interview:  A couple weeks ago she and I sat for a telephone interview which [...]

Eula Winston2023-06-29T14:16:32-04:00
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