Life and Health

Writings on vaccination published in early editions of the Life and Health magazine.

Life and Health for 1907 – Vol. 22 – No. 05


Printed in "News Notes" ACCORDING to one correspondent, the success of the Liberal party in England is apt to be the forerunner of a smallpox epidemic. In the Liberal party the anti-vaccinationists are particularly strong, and there is good reason to expect that with this party in power, compulsory vaccination laws will be abolished. Printed in "News Notes" THE Minnesota State Board of Health has broken new ground in passing the resolution not to enforce quarantine against smallpox after Jan. 1, 1908. The reason for the resolution appears to be that many persons, trusting to quarantine regulations, [...]

Life and Health for 1907 – Vol. 22 – No. 052021-10-19T21:25:21-04:00

Life and Health for 1907 – Vol. 22 – No. 02


Extract from article "Only Two Kinds" by GH Heald, MD YES, there are just two kinds, normal and abnormal.  You are one or the other. The normal can do rational things and avoid irrational things ; the abnormal can not. It is rational to be happy. It is decidedly irrational to be unhappy. Just think of it ! Unhappiness can do you no good ; it can do no one else any good. It can do harm, a great deal of it, and nothing but harm. No one ever felt better for being unhappy. No one ever gained a [...]

Life and Health for 1907 – Vol. 22 – No. 022021-10-19T21:07:19-04:00

Life and Health for 1906 – Vol. 21 – No. 11


Printed in "Current Comment" Care of Wounds EVERY wound, no matter how slight, may become infected with disease-producing germs unless proper care is taken to prevent such an occurrence, and it is almost entirely from this cause that deaths occur after vaccination. In Germany Voight estimated but one death in sixty-five thousand vaccinations, and in his own practise of five years he vaccinated one hundred thousand people with but one death. Compare this with the death-rate before vaccination, when from one in every twelve to twenty died with smallpox, and the life-saving effect of vaccination will be evident.— Bulletin. [...]

Life and Health for 1906 – Vol. 21 – No. 112021-10-19T21:00:13-04:00

Life and Health for 1905 – Vol. 20 – No. 12


Printed in Editorial section WE quote below a statement taken from the Bulletin of the Chicago Health Department. We have no reason to doubt the correctness of the statement, and there are many statements confirmatory of this, coming from men whose honesty is unimpeached, and whose practise gives them ample opportunity to observe: — "Last year a few entered school upon false certificates of vaccination signed by doctors. Some of these contracted smallpox, and a few died as the result of this criminal practise. One child permitted by the principal to enter school without any certificate of vaccination remained [...]

Life and Health for 1905 – Vol. 20 – No. 122021-10-19T20:40:30-04:00

Life and Health for 1905 – Vol. 20 – No. 05


Printed in section "News Notes" Communicable Diseases OF twenty-two new cases of smallpox which occurred in Chicago during a recent week, none had been revaccinated since childhood, and seventeen had never been vaccinated. Of the five who had been vaccinated in childhood, the youngest was twenty-six years old. IN a recent editorial article, The Journal of the American Medical Association urges that in all acute infectious diseases, the urine, feces, sputum, and nasal discharges should be disinfected, as all may contain infectious germs capable of carrying infection to others. Two German professors, at a recent meeting of the German [...]

Life and Health for 1905 – Vol. 20 – No. 052021-10-19T18:19:24-04:00
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