For Season 3, we want to not only emphasize exercise through our Made to Move Sabbath, but also the growing challenge of mental health. These two aspects of human experience are much more intertwined than it may seem. The sermon will speak to this intersection and demonstrate that physical movement and exercise are not only key to our physical health, but also our mental health.
Sermon Title: Keep Moving
Use this video for a short devotional time, offertory, or before prayer during the service.

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Sebastien Braxton

Sebastien Braxton received the gospel while serving in the USMC. Since then God has used him in a variety of ways to build up His kingdom. Sebastien serves as a member of the Inverse Team, a young-adult sabbath school tv show on Hope Channel. Sebastien has served as the general vice-president for GYC. He is the former program director for CAMPUS and the founder of STRIDE, public campus ministry training programs in Michigan and Boston respectively. Sebastien is a radical young preacher who has spoken to audiences in over 80 countries seeking to open God’s heart through the scriptures and the Adventist end-time message. He currently serves as the CEO for Fiat Lux, an online christian mentorship program. He is happily married to Candis with their four children, Naphtali, Zenon, Merari, and Ava.