Supporting Traumatized Individuals in the Church Community

Learning Objectives

In every community and population, there is trauma. It is an epidemic in the world today. New research is coming out every year testifying to the dramatic effects of trauma upon the brain and body. In order for nurses to provide adequate care in any given field, trauma-informed practice is a necessity. This means having an understanding of how trauma affects the individual, both in the present and long after the traumatic events have ceased.

This presentation will dig deeper than initial overview of the three pillars of trauma-informed care of safety, relationship, and emotional management.  The presentation will provide insight into the CDC’s and SAMHSA’s (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration) National Center for Trauma-Informed Care’s six guiding principles of: (1) safety, (2) trustworthiness and transparency, (3) peer support, (4)collaboration and mutuality, (5)empowerment, voice and choice, and (6) cultural, historical and gender issues better equipping nurses.

Supporting Faith Community Nurses, we will highlight intersections between faith and science, and a relevant approach for their specific practice field working with faith-based organizations.

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Meet Our Presenter

Ingrid Weiss Slikkers, LMSW, CCTP
Associate Professor, School of Social Work
Executive Director, International Center for Trauma Education & Care
Andrews University