Contact Hours for Nurses
AAFCN provides online, live webinars, offering contact hours accredited by the American Nurses Credentialing Center. Webinars are recorded and archived for access by AAFCN Members and Friends. Log in to view past webinars or sign up to join the Association!
You can also sign up to our email newsletter to be informed of future webinars.
Through each webinar, you will receive:
- Up-to-date research and practice guidelines for the FCN and other nurses
- Conversation and thought on best practices for the FCN
- Review of current trends and identification of needs in health ministry
- Shared experiences and successful strategies for ministry at the church
- Shared knowledge and growth
Upcoming Webinar
April 2025
7 - 8:30 pm Eastern / 4-5:30 pm Pacific
Learning Objectives:
Continuing Education:
1.25 Contact hours for Nurses provided through Adventist HealthCare
These webinars are jointly provided by the Adventist Association of Faith Community Nursing (Seventh-day Adventist Church, North American Division) and Adventist HealthCare: Adventist HealthCare is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation.
This activity has been awarded Contact Hours. Successful completion requires attendance to the entire program, active participation, and completion of the final evaluation. This activity is jointly provided by Adventist HealthCare and North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists. There are no disclosures to be made for this continuing education activity. There is no conflict of interest for anyone with the ability to control content of this activity
View previous meetings by clicking the links below.
Peace with Diabetes Self-Management During the Holidays
Peace with Diabetes Self-Management During the Holidays Each year the month of November is designated as National Diabetes Month. Individuals with [...]
Active Shooter Awareness
Emergency Safety Planning & Active Shooter Awareness Learning Objectives Active shooter and active killer incidents are sporadic [...]
Resilience: Thriving Under Pressure
Resilience Thriving Under Pressure Learning Objectives Nurses will understand the significance of resilience, as it relates to [...]
Church Safety and the Nurse
Church Safety and the Nurse Understanding the protocol response to active threats and the FCN role in prevention and response [...]
Supporting Traumatized Individuals in the Church Community
Supporting Traumatized Individuals in the Church Community Learning Objectives In every community and population, there is trauma. It [...]
Financial Fraud & Abuse
Financial Fraud & Abuse Learning Objectives This seminar will prepare you to: Define the fraud Triangle Identify some [...]
Hospice vs Palliative Care
Hospice vs Palliative Care in 2022 Learning Objectives Identify the difference between Hospice and Palliative Care Identify 3 Medicare [...]
Protecting our Greatest Assets
Protecting our Greatest Assets COVID-19 and Children's Health Learning Objectives Understand the impact of COVID 19 and the variants [...]
Alzheimer’s Disease
Alzheimer’s Disease Dispelling the Myths In this presentation we will focus on: The historical perspective of Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) [...]
What’s Wrong With You
Moving from “What is Wrong with You?” to “What Happened to You?” Creating an Environment of Support for Traumatized Individuals in Faith Based [...]
Can We Talk?
Can We Talk? Many of us believe that the local church is an ideal environment in which to receive education [...]
America’s Opioid Addiction Crisis
America's Opioid Addiction Crisis Learning Objectives To provide information on the current trends and prevalence of opioid use and [...]
Bereavement Support
Bereavement Support When Trauma Complicates Grief [useyourdrive dir="1vq-iLyXoZcjIzzpWegGC8ZUWqZKf0h4T" mode="video" include="Bereavement Support_2018-05-01.mp4" viewrole="administrator|aafcn" downloadrole="administrator|aafcn" mediaextensions="mp4|mp4"] With the growing prevalence of natural [...]
FCN Scope & Standards of Practice
Faith Community Nursing Scope & Standards of Practice 2017 Updates and Practice Trends This webinar will identify current and emerging [...]
Stewardship Through Risk Management
Stewardship Through Risk Management [useyourdrive dir="1vq-iLyXoZcjIzzpWegGC8ZUWqZKf0h4T" mode="video" include="Risk Management_2017-05-02.mp4" viewrole="administrator|aafcn" downloadrole="administrator|aafcn" mediaextensions="mp4|mp4"] We often think of risk management as simply [...]