Monthly Archives: June 2023

Jocelyn White


Jocelyn White Nurse Spotlight, June 2023 I must admit, I’m probably one of the proudest dads in the world because my daughter followed in my footsteps. Her name was Jocelyn Bennett:  but, as of October 2002 she became Jocelyn White, MSN, RN (through marriage and graduation). Jocelyn grew up in a small town in South Carolina, and since her mom was a public-school teacher, Jocelyn was destined to do the same. However, things don’t always work out the way we intend. A few days ago during our weekly call, I mentioned that I was writing a [...]

Jocelyn White2023-08-30T10:58:58-04:00

Utilizing Your Faith Community Nurse Training


Utilizing Your Faith Community Nurse Training Featured Article, June 2023 Are you like me?  Do you ever look at all the materials from your FCN course and feel a bit overwhelmed, wondering how you’ll ever be able to put all that information to good, practical use?  Have you sometimes looked at your nursing practice and felt even more intimidated as you recognize the true effectiveness of your ministry is directly related to your own spiritual health? Reading slowly (again) through the book “Steps to Christ” by Ellen G. White illuminated a template that is proving very [...]

Utilizing Your Faith Community Nurse Training2023-06-29T14:44:52-04:00

What Pastors Should Know about FCNs


What Pastors Should Know about FCNs Featured Article, June 2023 In a world of complexity, riddled with despair, sickness, and crime, it is good to know that there are many pastors with caring hearts. Pastors are usually at the forefront of many of the events taking place in a community and in the church. However, they should be aware that they are not alone.  They should know that there is help within each church congregation in the form of Faith Community Nurses, who can assist in this most important work. Faith Community Nursing (FCN; previously known [...]

What Pastors Should Know about FCNs2023-06-29T15:01:55-04:00

Membership Matters


Membership Matters Featured Article, June 2023 Are you an up-to-date member of the Adventist Association of Faith Community Nursing (AAFCN)? If your answer is “No”, then you are the right person reading the right article at the right time – time when matters of membership move to front and center. Are you eligible to be an AAFCN member? Friend Level – If you are a member of the Seventh-day Adventist church and are interested in promoting health ministry in your church, then the answer is “Yes!” Pastors, educators, non-healthcare people, allied health professionals, LPN’s and LVN’s, [...]

Membership Matters2023-06-29T15:08:55-04:00

Health Everlasting Sabbath


Healing work directly results in opportunities to proclaim the power and goodness of God and faith in Jesus Christ, and the hope He gives for “Health Everlasting”. Get Engaged In Health Evangelism North American Division Health Sabbath 2023 is on September 16, but health ministry can be celebrated any day of the year. Use these resources on a date that is best for your church. Get Engaged In Health Evangelism Available resources Sermon video Use the video recording to play the sermon during your worship service. [...]

Health Everlasting Sabbath2024-03-07T17:15:55-05:00
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