Monthly Archives: September 2023

Church Safety and the Nurse


Church Safety and the Nurse Understanding the protocol response to active threats and the FCN role in prevention and response Learning Objectives Some of the major causes that lead to threats on faith based properties are issues that fall under the ‘ministry umbrella’ of the Faith Based Community Nurse. (Mental illness, persistent health issues, emotional problems, domestic struggles…) In an emergency where there is a threat to the members of the church, the Faith Community Nurse can serve as a first responder to help those who are less mobile to be able [...]

Church Safety and the Nurse2024-09-11T15:42:12-04:00

The Morning Manna Story


The Morning Manna Story The Morning Manna story: An inspiring story of community faith in action, born out of the belly of a Faith Community Nurse (FCN). Morning Manna is a prayer group, based in Atlanta, Georgia, that positively impacts people and situations all over the world, through prayer. Dr. Rosalyn Saunders, a Nurse Practitioner and now Faith Community Nurse, started Morning Manna eleven years ago. The seeds of hope and healing were planted in her, at the tender age of four, as she grew in stature and wisdom, observing the works of her grandmother, a [...]

The Morning Manna Story2023-09-13T12:56:08-04:00

AAFCN Member Dedication


AAFCN Member Dedication Featured Article, June 2023 "Piedmont Park dedicated Tammy Adams as its Faith Community Nurse. It is the first ministry of its kind at Piedmont," says Hugh Davis. "The North American Division Health Ministries department describes Faith Community Nurses as trained nurses who serve a church or congregation to improve the health of its members. Faith Community Nursing, previously Parish Nursing, is a growing specialty recognized by the American Nurses Association. As Piedmont's FCN, her role will consist of health advocacy, educator, counselor, referral agent, volunteer facilitator, and coordinator. Tammy wants to help members focus [...]

AAFCN Member Dedication2023-10-11T11:37:09-04:00

Betsy Johnson


Jocelyn White Nurse Spotlight, September 2023 Interview with Betsy Johnson, FCN, Emmanuel-Brinklow Seventh-day Adventist Church Please tell us about your being led you into your current role. Initially, I was clueless about the specialty practice of Faith Community Nursing (FCN). However, many years ago Bernice DeShay, a nurse and member of our congregation, asked me and another nurse if we would be interested in taking the Foundations course in Parish Nursing, the former title of Faith Community Nursing. She was teaching at Washington Adventist University, was one of the instructors and instrumental in bringing the course [...]

Betsy Johnson2023-09-13T11:08:33-04:00
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