Adventist Association of
Health & Wellness Coaching
Journeying Together
LIFT Training
This course equips individuals who want to have basic coaching skills. It is a core competency for any ministry leader and can also be used as a first step towards development of advanced coaching skills.
Continuing Education
Online, live webinars, offering contact hours. Webinars are recorded and archived for access by AAHWC Members.
Uplift Newsletter
Peruse our articles, meet our members, and gain new skills and tools for your ministry through our quarterly newsletter.
Member Directory
Connect with your fellow Association members and learn about their specialty areas. This link requires you to log into your account to access.
Board of Directors
Meet the leadership team of AAHWC. We support several committees and welcome the involvement of any of our members! Please contact us for details.
Contact Us
You are not alone. Our Board of Directors is here to assist you in establishing a healthy and prosperous coaching ministry! Contact us today!
Following Christ’s Example
The goal of the Adventist Association of Health and Wellness Coaching (AAHWC) is to foster the training and growth of every member of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in health ministry, or medical missionary work, through the skills of providing on-going personal support to others. In doing so, we can more effectively share hope and wholeness to individuals wherever they are on their personal health journey, and in whatever may be our area of influence. The AAHWC promotes this by connecting together individuals who share this same passion and providing them with opportunities for personal and professional growth.
The AAHWC is for all Seventh-day Adventists who are interested or involved in the practice of coaching, either as a Certified Coach or Health Partner. We also welcome members who are interested in learning the skills of health and wellness coaching or promoting the work of this ministry.
Our prayer is that as church members develop and implement the skills of providing on-going personal support to others, we can more closely reflect the character of Christ, thereby hastening His return.
Our Purpose
The Adventist Association of Health & Wellness Coaching (AAHWC) is a network of Seventh-day Adventists who believe in the Values of Adventist Health Ministries. Together, we seek to further the ministry of healing by building trusting relationships with the individuals who are seeking better long-term health. We seek to strengthen and advance the work of health and wellness coaching in the Seventh-day Adventist Church through the following means:
- Promote an understanding of health and wellness coaching as a ministry tool to leaders and congregations in the NAD territory and globally.
- Encourage the spiritual and professional growth and development of Association members.
- Provide networking opportunities, resources and support for Seventh-day Adventists who are certified health and wellness coaches or who are interested in obtaining coaching skills.
- Create a forum for the sharing of information, experiences, ideas and trends in coaching ministry through educational opportunities, conferences and various venues.
- Compile data and develop research information to be incorporated in the basic and advanced education of health and wellness coaching.
- Develop relationships between the Association and other faith community groups.
- Assist the NAD in developing uniform standards for health and wellness coaching.
- Mentor and encourage Seventh-day Adventist students to pursue health and wellness coaching as a ministry.
- Assist in furthering the whole health objectives of the NAD Health Ministries department.
Our Mission
Sharing hope and wholeness through the healing power of Christ