
Health ministry programs at local churches are often short-term educational work.  As important as these are, attendees often need help learning how to integrate the knowledge into their daily lives.  The Health Partner training will train church members on how to provide on-going support in order to help their community members move further towards their health goals.

Through membership in the AAHWC, Health Partners who have completed the training will be provided with networking and ministry opportunities, continuing education, and ministry tools among other resources.

The Health Partner training offers a valuable training for anyone to be more effective in their ministry, whether that be Health Ministry, Pastoral Ministry, Literature Ministry, Bible Worker, etc).  This training is open to anyone interested in learning basic coaching skills to complement their ministry.

Note:  This is not a qualified training to sit for the examination for the National Board of Health and Wellness Coaching.

Next Course

Our next class will be during the NAD Health Summit, April 2-8, 2023 in Lexington, KY.

Cost:  TBA

For now, you can review the material at, with special thanks to the Rocky Mountain Conference.

Course Content

Module 1 — Foundations of Coaching

Module 2 — Basic Coaching Skills

Module 3 — Getting Practical with Coaching Tools

Module 4 — Principles for Success

Module 5 — Live Segment (held online or in person)

Course Material

Coming soon

Continuing Education


Invite Others

Please share these documents with other nurses to invite them to join this course.

Course Flyer

Course Details

Fact Sheet