Explore opportunities to be trained with coaching skills and gain continuing education. Check back here for more details or contact us for information.
Upcoming Webinar
Breaking Down Resistance to Change
Date: Sunday, October 23, 2022
Time: 6:00 pm ET / 3:00 pm PT
Cost: Free for AAHWC members, $50 for non-members
While clients coming for coaching are coming because they want to change, there can be seen and unseen resistance that holds the client back. In this 2-hour workshop, we will explore why clients are resistant and why that is a GOOD THING, and how to use that to the client’s advance! We will be exploring this resistance mostly from a positive lifestyle goal-setting perspective but there are similar tools for healthy thinking and emotional coping skills as well we will talk about briefly.
Here you will: Find out how you can best motivate a client, and when attempting to motivate a client is not in their best interest and can have the opposite effect.
Health Partner Training
This training is ideal for church members and leaders who want to have foundational skills in coaching. These skills will be an asset in any line of ministry. We are currently building the course on Adventist Learning Community and will offer it as a resource for pastors to train their churches.
For now, you can review the material at rmcsda.org/support, with special thanks to the Rocky Mountain Conference.
Past Trainings
Content for previous trainings are only available to attendees. Please log in to access the documents.
Mental Health Coaching – The Entering Wedge
April 3, 2022
This training was initially offered as part of the NAD’s Mental Health Summit. We are in the process of updating the course for online instruction.
Mingling for Good
January 2021
This training was provided in partnership with Take Courage Coaching™
We welcome anyone interested in learning coaching skills to attend any of our training events.