Strength for the Journey

Tested and Tasty

Articles & Recordings
Explore the joys of eating

Joy of Eating Club
Join our monthly meet-ups
Let’s face it. We often hear about what we’re supposed to eat, what we’re not supposed to eat. Perhaps we’re convinced that what’s “bad” for us tastes better than the “good” stuff. But where is the joy?
Learning to eat healthy, like any healthy habit, is a journey. There are ups and downs, and sometimes u-turns along the way. But there should also be joy, peace, and hope as we travel this road.
We believe that God created food for our good pleasure. With this initiative, we want to bring back the Joy of Eating, along with informative presentations, delicious recipes, opportunities to share and connect with others, and a healthy dose of inspiration. Because let’s face it – we all have our challenges, and we all could use help for this journey.
Come on in. Savor the Joy!