Informational Resources

My Pandemic Story


Mind & Self-Care


Find Hope

Remember A Loved One

Blessed are those who mourn

Acts of Prayer

United & devoted steadfastly to prayer

Ministry Tools

Share Hope

Vaccine Exemptions

Early Adventist Writings


Revealing the Light

My Pandemic Story

Share Your Voice

You are valuable.  Your voice is important.  Your experiences can encourage us.

What has life been like for you during the pandemic?  If you are between the ages of 0 to 35, we invite you to share with us your story, thoughts, feelings, perspectives.

Use story, video, music, drawings, paintings, or your other talents, then let us share your story!


Too many of our friends, family, and colleagues have been lost during the pandemic.  Share a memory of your loved one with us, so we, too, can mourn with you.

Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted.  Matthew 5:4

Acts of Prayer

Post your prayer requests so we can uphold each other during this time of great need.

All of these with their minds in full agreement devoted themselves steadfastly to prayer…  Acts 1:14

Vaccine Exemptions

Click the button below for recommendations from NAD Administration regarding exemptions for employer vaccine requirements.

More Resources

These additional resources are provided as we together focus on mission while making it through the pandemic.

Stay in Touch

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