Adverse Childhood Experiences Questionnaire
Expanded Version
Finding your ACE Score
As you think about the ACE questions below, consider your family context. For example, you may have been raised by persons other than your parents, e.g., foster parents, grandparents, stepparents, or an older sibling. Answer the questions accordingly.
Understanding Your Score
ACE (Adverse Childhood Experiences) scores are a way to measure the level of childhood trauma a person has experienced. The ACEs study, conducted by the CDC and Kaiser Permanente, identified 10 types of adverse experiences in childhood (before age 18), which fall into three categories:
- Abuse
- Neglect
- Household Dysfunction
Each “yes” answer to these 10 questions adds one point to a person’s ACE score (ranging from 0 to 10).
Note: The “Expanded” score includes Spiritual abuse, which was not included in the original research, but has been found to be important factor in health outcomes.