Early Adventist Writings

Writings regarding vaccination published in early editions of Adventist publications.

Review and Herald for 1911 – Vol. 88 – No. 46


Published in the section "News and Miscellany" — Vaccination against typhoid fever is to be urged upon all of the 13,50o employees of the Department of Agriculture, in accordance with a recommendation to that effect approved by Secretary of Agriculture Wilson. A committee, which he recently appointed to consider the subject, declared itself in favor of vaccination. Of the 11,000 employees of the department outside of Washington, a considerable number (probably one half, it is estimated) are engaged in traveling, at least during a portion of the year. It is to protect them from the danger of impure water [...]

Review and Herald for 1911 – Vol. 88 – No. 462021-10-19T15:54:37-04:00

Review and Herald for 1911 – Vol. 88 – No. 36


Listing of articles published in the Life and Health Magazine Our School System, by F. W. Fitzpatrick. Some Special Exercises for the Business Woman, by Anne Guilbert Mahon. Man's Struggle for Existence, by George Henry Heald, M. D. Keeping Clean Inside, by William J. Cromie. Guard the Health of Your Children, by A. E. Schelin. Effects of Hydrotherapy, by G. K. Abbott, M. D. The Canning of Fruits, by George E. Cornforth. Preparing for Medical Missionary Work, by H. J. Williams. A Letter From Java, by Lily M. Thorpe. Finding Peace in Jesus, by John N. Herboltzheimer. The Public [...]

Review and Herald for 1911 – Vol. 88 – No. 362021-10-19T15:52:19-04:00

Review and Herald for 1907 – Vol. 84 – No. 07


Listing of articles published in the Life and Health Magazine WE call the special attention of the REVIEW readers to the February number of Life and Health, which offers some suggestions on, How to Overcome Constipation; How to Remedy an Unhappy Life; it stimulates faith in Christ's power to heal; cites some of the evils that come to our children through improper reading and objectionable companions; sounds a note of warning against the tendencies unfavorable to the home and the family; gives a judge's reasons for the downfall of boys and girls. It contains Questions and Answers on, Alcohol [...]

Review and Herald for 1907 – Vol. 84 – No. 072021-10-19T15:46:57-04:00

Review and Herald for 1907 – Vol. 84 – No. 06


Listing of articles published in the Life and Health Magazine THE February number of Life and Health is said to be the best number published. The following table of contents will help to give some idea of its value: How to Overcome Constipation; Normal Life; Jesus the Healer; The Anti- Alcoholic Movement among Students and Practitioners; Paralyze Your Leucocytes? A Deadly Fallacy; The Venereal Peril; Unclean News- papers; Smallpox and Vaccination; A Time for Study and a Time for Sleep; The " New " Dietary; Reading in Bed; The Earthquake Cure; Some Uses of Cottonseed Oil ; Health Principles [...]

Review and Herald for 1907 – Vol. 84 – No. 062021-10-19T15:44:45-04:00

Review and Herald for 1906 – Vol. 83 – No. 44


Listing of articles published in the Life and Health Magazine THE November number of Life and Health is now ready. The make-up of this issue will be revealed in the following outline of the con- tents: THE WOOING OF SLUMBER, Editorial, giving some practical suggestions to poor sleepers. DIVINE HEALING, For whom 1S it? "THE Gos- PEL OF RELAXATION," with especial reference to the relief of pain. LET'S BE GOOD. It pays. It rejuvenates the mind, promotes health, and renders one a center of, good forces. CURRENT COM- MENT; The Tomato as Medicine; Breakfast Ce- reals Prepared at Home; [...]

Review and Herald for 1906 – Vol. 83 – No. 442021-10-19T15:42:36-04:00

Review and Herald for 1906 – Vol. 83 – No. 12


Listing of articles published in the Life and Health Magazine THE April number of Life and Health is just out, and sparkles with life-giving principles applied in treatises upon, Individual Mental and Physical Co-operation in Divine Healing, Restoring and Maintaining Health and Happiness Through Mental Reform —" A 'Change of Seein', ' Promotion of Health by Proper Dressing, The Effect of Personal Influence in Combating Disease, Fresh Air as a' Cure for Cold's', The Plague, Imagination as a Remedy, Interesting Facts for Patent Medicine Users, The Curative Value of Work, Protecting Milk, Infant' Feeding, Filthy Restaurants, Continued Food Studies, [...]

Review and Herald for 1906 – Vol. 83 – No. 122021-10-19T15:39:37-04:00

Review and Herald for 1905 – Vol. 82 – No. 10


Article titled "Trying Times in South America" in Section "General Articles" by JW Westphal DURING the three years I have been in South America, there have been abundant evidences that this continent is sharing in the general restlessness characterizing the world to-day. Within this time there has been war between Venezuela and Colombia, and trouble between Venezuela and some of the European powers, and between Colombia and the United States, both of which verged onto a war. War was threatened between Colombia and Panama, between Argentina and Chile, between Brazil and Bolivia, and between Brazil and Peru. There have [...]

Review and Herald for 1905 – Vol. 82 – No. 102021-10-19T15:36:41-04:00

Review and Herald for 1902 – Vol. 79 – No. 49


Extract from Article titled "Conditions in Barbados" in Section "The World-Wide Field" by WA Sweaney CONDITIONS here are simply appalling, and are becoming worse every day. With a. population of more than twelve hundred to the square mile, you can imagine that an epidemic of smallpox is not a desirable thing to contemplate. The poverty, hardship, and suffering of the masses, even in ordinary times, are pitiable, but now they are simply beyond description. How the people live at all is beyond my comprehension. For years the price of sugar, the chief and almost the only product, has been [...]

Review and Herald for 1902 – Vol. 79 – No. 492021-10-19T15:29:19-04:00

Review and Herald for 1902 – Vol. 79 – No. 06


Printed Article titled "THE SMALLPOX" in Section "The Physician By the Fireside" by Frederick M. Rossiter, MD.  (From February, 1902, Good Health, by permission of the author.) SMALLPOX means small sacs which first contain serum, and later, pus. Smallpox has prevailed in India and Africa for thousands of years. It is said to have invaded China in 200 A. D., and Galen tells of a marked epidemic in Rome in 16o A. D. Its progress from east to west has been slow. It entered England in 1241, Iceland in 1306, the West Indies in 1507, Mexico in 1520, and [...]

Review and Herald for 1902 – Vol. 79 – No. 062021-10-19T15:05:02-04:00

Review and Herald for 1901 – Vol. 78 – No. 47


Extract from Article titled "Gangrene of the Soul" THE magistrates seem to be having a difficult task on hand, in trying to decide questions of conscience," observes an exchange published in London, England. - " The law allows the ' conscientious objector' to vaccination to receive a certificate of exemption, but it scents that a man's statement to that effect is not sufficient. J1c prove, to the satisfaction of the magistrate!t1 I.i he is conscientious. Of course the thing is irr possible, for in a case of that kind no one can do more than solemnly declare his conscientious [...]

Review and Herald for 1901 – Vol. 78 – No. 472021-10-14T10:01:14-04:00
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