Past Events


Recovery for Emotional Trauma


Date:  Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Time:  4:00-5:30 pm Eastern

Topic:  COVID-19, Racial Tensions, and Emotional Trauma

The past few months have seen heightened emotional trauma related to COVID-19 and racial tensions, in addition to the usual human tensions that life sends our way.  This presentation will address how we can understand and cope with this trauma through the lens of a Christian, recovery worldview.

Featured Presenters:
Dr. David Sedlacek, Andrews University Theological Seminary
W. Derrick Lea, Adventist Community Services

Pre-registration is required to attend this free webinar.  Click here to register.

Note: Space is limited.  We encourage all ministry leaders, team members, and pastors to join us.


NAD Health Sabbath

NAD Health Ministries

More information and resources will be coming soon!  Start now to pray and prepare your church family.  You can also begin connecting with your community members so that the invitation will be more readily welcome when it comes!


Pandemic Loss


Date:  Thursday, July 9, 2020

Time:  12:00 noon Eastern

Facilitator:  Teresa Nelson, BSN, RN, AAFCN Past President/Historian

Topic:  The current pandemic has not only impacted the physical health of many throughout the world but perhaps an even larger number have been impacted psychologically and spiritually.  What losses are you experiencing during this time? Join us for a short introduction on the topic of pandemic loss and subsequent grief followed by sharing our struggles, experiences, and the strength and hope found in our faith in Jesus Christ.

Join the call through Zoom.

Note: These meetings are for AAFCN Members and Friends only.  Please renew or join today.


Ministry Goals Series: A Child’s Plight

As we face the unknown in the current context of a pandemic, we are also faced with questions about how health ministry can impact lives for good and for eternity.  Through the Ministry Goals series, we will consider real issues that are facing society, and how we as a church can be the agents of positive change by sharing hope and wholeness through the healing power of Christ.

Topic:  A Child’s Plight During COVID-19

Date:  Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Time:  4:00 – 5:30 pm, Eastern

Featured Guests:
Dr. Kiti Freier Randall, Pediatric Neurodevelopmental Psychologist
Dr. Peter Landless, GC Health Ministries
Sherri Uhrig, NAD Children’s Ministries
Erica Jones, NAD Women’s Ministries

Hosted by:  Dr. Angeline D. Brauer, NAD Health Ministries

Pre-registration is required to attend this free webinar.  Visit to learn more.

Note: Space is limited.  We encourage all health ministry leaders, team members, and pastors to join us.


CEU Webinar: Advance Directives

Many of us believe that the local church is an ideal environment in which to receive education and support on the important topic of advanced planning. Perhaps you have seen or even experienced families struggle as they have entered into conversations with medical professionals and have been presented with tough choices as loved ones face serious and life-limiting illnesses. Faith Community Nurses can be a source of support and education no matter where families are in this spectrum.

Date:  Thursday, June 25, 2020

Time:  7:00 – 8:30 pm Eastern

Presenter: Rev. Karen MacDonald, MDiv, President of Health Ministries Association

Registration:  FREE

Pre-registration is required.  Visit for more.


Effects of Trauma on the Body

Decatur, Georgia
Rosemary Graham

South Atlantic Conference Disabilities Ministries has been addressing mental health issues and how it impacts our children, youth and adults.  We have partnered with SAC Health Ministries and continuing to address mental health.  With the current events of a pandemic and racial tensions, mental health issues are increasing – including trauma and how it effects our bodies.  We will address the triggers, physical effects on the body and mind, and how to overcome.

Begins at 6:00 p.m. EST.

Free registration on



06/22/2020 – 06/28/2020

Take Charge of Your Health

Chattanooga, Tennessee
Ellen Metcalf

It Is Written will hold an online event, Take Charge of Your Health, beginning June 22 at 7 p.m. EDT and on demand thereafter. The week-long series will feature interviews with medical experts, Bible study of wellness principles, and practical instruction in lifestyle change for health improvement. Registration is free and may be completed at

This series is designed to help people live life to the fullest, said John Bradshaw, It Is Written president. “If the pandemic has taught us anything at all, it’s that a person’s health is precious,” he said. “And the more we can do to stay well and be strong, the better we’re going to fare in times like these–and in times to come.”

Topics to be covered during the series are heart health, diabetes, cancer, weight loss, mental health, stress, and addictions. Special guests will include Dr. John Chung, dermatologist; Dr. David DeRose, internist; Dr. Harvey Hahn, cardiologist; Dr. Bob Hunsaker, anesthesiologist; Dr. Glen Papaiaoannou, oncologist; Dr. Mark Sandoval, emergency medicine specialist; Dr. Brian Schwartz, cardiologist; Dr. Lyndi Schwartz, internist; Dr. Doug Teller, internist; and more.

Each night, John Bradshaw will review a CREATION Life Bible study guide. Produced by AdventHealth and It Is Written, the CREATION Life Study Guides provide a scientifically researched, biblically based way to improve health and well-being. Free access to the study guides will be available to those who register for the event.

Healthy recipes, effective exercise instruction, and testimonies from people who have improved their health will round out the program. Upon hearing about all that would be included in this series, one pastor said, “This health series is going to be more effective for our community than Hope Awakens was!”

Free promotional material is available at



Nurses’ Appreciation Day 2020

Silver Spring, Maryland
Kathleen Coleman

Nurses are the Heartbeat of HealthCare!  Because you give to others, we want to give to you.  Join us and connect with other Adventist nurses as we celebrate your specialized ministry.  A meet and greet reception will follow.

This event has been postponed.  Please contact us for further information.

03/27/2020 – 03/29/2020

Addiction Recovery Facilitator Training

Glendale, California
Ray Nelson

This event has been postponed.  Please contact us for more information.


Laurelwood Community Health Fair

Woodbury, New Jersey
Collette Wiedecke

Let’s get healthy together!
Plan NOW to be a part of our 1st Annual Community Health Fair and an opportunity to donate much needed blood to the American Red Cross!!!

Sunday, March 1, 2020 10AM to 4PM

Some of the services that will be available at this event are:

  • Breast Exams
  • Visual Acuity Exams
  • Blood Sugar Testing
  • Diabetic Education
  • Chiropractic Health
  • Blood Pressure Testing
  • Stress Management
  • and so much more….

Some of the vendors who will be assisting us with this amazing event are:

  • American Red Cross
  • MD Anderson Cooper Cancer Center
  • NJ Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired
  • Chiropractic Doctor
  • Functional Medicine Doctor
  • Registered Dietitian
  • Registered Nurses
  • Certified Health Coach

This event will serve the community immediate to the church and will also bring attention to our Pathfinder club and the restarting of our school (Delaware Valley Junior Academy).