Past Events


Joy of Eating Club: Salt of the Earth

Time:  4:00 – 5:30 pm, EST

Topic: The Salt of the Earth, How Much is Safe to Use

Health experts agree that most people consume too much sodium, and that it has been linked to some health problems, especially an increased risk for cardiovascular disease. One study concluded that salt (the main source of sodium in our foods) is associated with almost 10% of deaths related to cardiovascular disease worldwide. With that in mind, is there room to safely use salt at all? Are there healthier salt-substitutes? How can our food taste good if we cut back or even eliminate table salt? Can we also develop health problems from consuming too little sodium? We will answer these and other questions related to salt based on the Word of God and current research.


Vaccine Mandates: Overreaching or Responsible?

Time:  5:00 – 6:30 pm, EST

The North American Division Public Affairs and Religious Liberty (PARL) department is holding a symposium to discuss the recent vaccine mandates. Participants will include key pastors, health professionals, and leaders within PARL. The live stream can be viewed through Liberty Magazine’s YouTube channel or the NARLA Freedom Facebook page.

10/02/2021 – 10/03/2021

Journey to Wholeness Facilitator Training

Glendale, California

As a Facilitator for the Journey to Wholeness (JTW) program, you will be empowered with the skills, understanding, and compassion needed to help individuals who are walking the path to freedom from addictions, hurts, habits, and hangups.  Whatever your current level of understanding about addictions, we welcome you to join this group.

Join us for our next live training, October 2-3, 2021.  You can attend in person in Glendale, California, or virtually through Zoom for a limited number of participants.  This fulfills a portion of the 3-part training to become a JTW Facilitator.


  • Sabbath, October 2 — includes Church service, afternoon training and optional evening testimonies
  • Sunday, October 3 — training will begin at 9:00 am and continue through 6:00 pm.

Registration is open now through September 20.

Attendees must attend all sessions in order to receive the certificate. Please make your own lodging and transportation arrangements.

10/02/2021 – 10/08/2021

Made to Move

Narae Kim

This event is to promote a healthy and active lifestyle to university students. It is a type of health ministries because one of the key goals of this event is to educate others about incorporating health principles into their lives. Its purpose is to show others that healthy living can be simple and fun! The Made to Move event will be based on princIples found in the acronym NEWSTART, although an emphasis will be placed on the exercise aspect. The facts that will be presented via social media throughout our event will be taken from scientific sources, connecting science to healthy Christian living. As more students become aware of how easy and fun it can be to live a healthy lifestyle, they can also share their experience with others, creating a ripple effect.

09/19/2021 – 09/24/2021

Made to Move 5k Run/Walk

Race Day:  Sunday, September 19

Or you can participate any day that week and submit your time for a chance to enter the Winner’s Circle

You choose the time and location, just make sure it is 5k (3.1 miles). Bring along your church, your friends, or go solo.

Register by September 5 to get your shirt sent before Race Day.  We cannot guarantee your items will arrive in time if you register after September 5.  Please note, valid US mailing address is needed (includes Guam/Micronesia).

09/18/2021 – 09/25/2021

Made to Move Challenge: Season 2


Details coming soon!


Protecting our Greatest Assets


Time:  7:00 – 8:30 pm, Eastern

Presenter: Dr. Janet Johnson, Pediatrician


  1. Understand the impact of COVID-19 and the variants on children’s health and how to protect our greatest assets
  2. COVID-19 Vaccines in Children and Adolescents – what are the options
  3. Understand the impact of COVID-19 and how it affects our children’s education and mental health
  4. Identify the impact of COVID-19 on children with regards to: Abuse and neglect, food insecurity
  5. Define ways to safely transition back to school

1.0 contact hour available for nurses who attend the live webinar.  Teachers are also welcome to attend.  Registration is FREE and required.


Nutrition Considerations for Vegetarians, Part 2

Time:  4:00 – 5:30 pm, EST

Topic: Nutrition Considerations for Vegetarians, Part 2

A vegetarian diet has been associated with a vast array of health benefits, but what makes it so powerful in preventing, managing, or even reversing chronic diseases is not only the elimination of meat and other animal products, but also the plant-based food choices that are made. In this webinar we will look at a few more nutrients of “concern” on a plant-based diet and how to make sure we are not falling short on them to guarantee we are doing the best we can in optimizing our health.

09/15/2021 – 10/24/2021

Foundations of Faith Community Nursing Course

Kathleen Coleman

Dates:  September 15 – October 24, 2021

Time: Varies.  Visit the Foundations Course page for details

Format:  Online/Virtual through Zoom

Cost:  $335 per person

Faith Community Nurses (FCNs) provide intentional care to the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual needs of individuals and communities. This five-week virtual/online course utilizes the 2019 Foundations of Faith Community Nursing curriculum to help nurses of any faith or spiritual community to provide information to promote wellness, healing, health promotion, and disease prevention and lifestyle management.

This course will meet on Sunday and Thursday evenings for a total of 40.5 contact hours.  Students must attend all sessions in order to receive credit for completion.  Visit the Foundations Course page for more information.

Registration closes on midnight September 8, 2021


Coaching Association Business Meeting

During the first official Business meeting of the Adventist Association of Health and Wellness Coaching, we will formally organize the leadership team for the first term of office and discuss the Bylaws.  We will also look at the upcoming plans for training and skill development through the organization.  Plan to join us for this important meeting!  Charter Members will be sent an email with information on how to join the meeting.

Time: 4:30 pm Pacific / 7:30 pm Eastern