
A Time to Mourn and a Time to Dance


A Time to Mourn and a Time to Dance Seasons of Grief by Teresa Nelson Where did I put my car keys? I can’t find my wallet. Have you seen my water bottle anywhere? When something is lost that is of some worth to us, we instinctively put our minds to the task of finding it. When someone tells me they’ve lost something, I immediately want to help them find it. And, like the woman in the parable of the lost coin (Luke 15), it is indeed joyful for all when the lost item has been found. [...]

A Time to Mourn and a Time to Dance2023-09-05T11:54:02-04:00

Where the Journey Began


Where the Journey Began The Keynote of Our Story Every story has a beginning.  In this presentation, we will explore the story of the Journey to Wholeness addiction recovery program, learning why it is founded on the principles of 12-step recovery programs.  Learn how the joy, hope, and courage that comes from peer support is a keynote of our story of recovery. Meet Our Presenter Jackie Bishop Mom of three, occupational therapist, pastor, in recovery for 20+ years, and co-author of the Journey to Wholeness material, which focuses on the [...]

Where the Journey Began2022-04-19T17:09:00-04:00

The Other Way Around


The Other Way Around Gaining Support For Recovery Ministry Every story has a beginning.  In this presentation, we will explore the story of the Journey to Wholeness addiction recovery program, learning why it is founded on the principles of 12-step recovery programs.  Learn how the joy, hope, and courage that comes from peer support is a keynote of our story of recovery. Meet Our Presenter Dr. Kathy Beagles Connef Dr. Coneff is an educator who has spent many years in classrooms and in developing Bible-based curriculum for young people. She [...]

The Other Way Around2022-04-19T17:10:11-04:00

Building Resilience


Building Resilience In At-Risk Youth What builds resilience among at risk youth? Resilience is defined as the ability to overcome a difficult environment and thrive amidst surrounding chaos.  Decades of research demonstrate that all of our youth are at risk for substance abuse and other behavioral addictions.  There are a number of specific things we can do as a faith community that build resilience in our youth and aid recovery for those that have gotten involved in substance abuse. Meet Our Presenter Dr. Duane McBride, PhD Dr. McBride joined the [...]

Building Resilience2022-04-19T17:10:49-04:00

Living Free


Living Free Finding Freedom from Habits that Hurt Habits are our friends - when they're good ones.  But when bad habits develop, whether they involve food, substances, or behaviors - they can hijack your life.  Discover how this multi-faceted resource can be utilized online, one-on-one, integrated with other health programs, or as a stand-alone series for your community. Meet Our Presenter Vicki Griffin, MS, MPA Vicki is the author and producer of the Balanced Living, Quit Nicotine, Lifestyle Matters Health Intervention Series and the Fit & free! Building Brain and [...]

Living Free2022-04-19T17:11:05-04:00

Engaging Your Pastor


Engaging Your Pastor Keys to Winning Them To Recovery Ministries Engaging your church pastor is key to keeping your recovery ministry program going strong. Join Pastor Robert Hines, Recovery Ministries Coordinator for the Florida Conference, as he highlights the benefits of having pastoral support and how to remove the roadblocks to pastoral engagement. Meet Our Presenter Pastor Robert Hines Robert Hines originates from the UK and has worked with young people for over 17 years. As Associate Youth Director for the South England Conference, Robert revolutionized the understanding and use [...]

Engaging Your Pastor2021-01-11T22:53:38-05:00

Healthy Boundaries


Healthy Boundaries What They Are and How to Maintain Them In order to have a well-developed sense of self, a person must have healthy boundaries, but not walls. This presentation will describe how to develop and maintain healthy boundaries which are essential to healthy relationships.  They can also impact the effectiveness of your Journey to Wholeness group meetings. Meet Our Presenter Dr. David Sedlacek, Ph.D. LCSW, CFLE Dr. Sedlacek is passionate about ministering to hurting people. He loves using biblical principles to integrate faith and practice. His more than 40 [...]

Healthy Boundaries2022-04-19T17:12:30-04:00

Going Online


Going Online Steps to Establishing an Online Addiction Recovery Ministry Join us as we discuss keys to hosting a successful online Journey to Wholeness program. Meet Our Presenter Angeline David Brauer, DrPH, MHS, RDN Dr. Brauer serves as the Health Ministries Director of the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists, and Executive Director of the Adventist Recovery Ministries (ARMin). Pastor Ray Nelson Pastor Ray serves as the Coordinator of the Adventist Recovery Ministries (ARMin) for the North American Division. Review the Resources [...]

Going Online2021-11-04T14:51:54-04:00

Best Practices


Best Practices Using Zoom For Your Online Group Meetings Video recording is not available. Meet Our Presenters Frank Sanchez Frank serves as the Recovery Ministries Coordinator in the Southern Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. Stephen Eccles Stephen is currently a student at Andrews University and Chaplaincy Intern at Kettering Medical Center. Review the Resources We welcome Facilitators of the Journey to Wholeness program to join us for this weekly online support group. Explore More Visit the Pillars resources [...]

Best Practices2021-01-11T23:20:53-05:00
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