COVID-19 Webinars

COVID-19 Webinars2021-10-10T14:08:04-04:00

COVID-19 Webinars & Presentations

Filtering through the many sources of information that are currently available is a daunting task.  Here, we present a selection of webinars that are aimed to inform,  help you understand the issues at play, inspire you to focus on the mission of the Church, find healing for yourself, and share hope and wholeness with others.

Informational Resources

My Pandemic Story


Mind & Self-Care


Find Hope

Remember A Loved One

Blessed are those who mourn

Acts of Prayer

United & devoted steadfastly to prayer

Ministry Tools

Share Hope

Vaccine Exemptions

Early Adventist Writings


Revealing the Light

Vaccine Mandates

Vaccine Mandates Overreaching or Responsible? Join the North American Division Public Affairs and Religious Liberty department as they host an online conversation to discuss the recent vaccine mandates and protection of freedom of conscience in light of Adventist biblical understanding and historical accounts regarding issues [...]

Protecting our Greatest Assets

Protecting our Greatest Assets COVID-19 and Children's Health Learning Objectives Understand the impact of COVID 19 and the variants on children’s health and how to protect our greatest assets COVID-19 Vaccines in Children and Adolescents – what are the options Understand the impact of [...]

COVID-19 Relations

COVID-19 Navigating Communication & Relational Aspects James 1:19 counsels believers to "be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to get angry." That can be challenging in this land of many opinions concerning how best to curb the current pandemic. Join us as [...]


FCN And COVID-19 Sorting Facts From Fiction In this webinar we discuss critical thinking and a decision tree that can be used by FCNs to discern facts from fiction during this pandemic as they engage in health promotion. Meet Our Presenter [...]

The COVID-19 Vaccines

The COVID-19 Vaccines Sorting Through Facts, Sharing Our Mission There’s no doubt that a vaccine has been much anticipated ever since COVID-19 was declared to be a pandemic. In this webinar, we will hear from renowned experts, Dr. David Williams and Dr. Roger Seheult, [...]

Caring For the Elderly

Caring For the Elderly Ministering to A High Risk Population In the COVID-19 Era COVID-19 has uncovered and exploited many of our weaknesses – personal, behavioral, and overall health, societal, and even Public Health. Hardest hit have been the elderly and those with underlying [...]

When COVID-19 Came To Dinner

When COVID-19 Came To Dinner Personal Story of A Pastoral Family Pastor Greg Webster and wife, Nelli, an AAFCN Board Member, recovered from COVID-19 and share their personal experience with the InTouch audience. How did an unknown exposure at a family dinner turn their [...]

Recovery for Emotional Trauma

Recovery for Emotional Trauma Finding Healing in the Midst of COVID-19 & Racial Tensions The past few months have seen heightened emotional trauma related to COVID-19 and racial tensions, in addition to the usual human tensions that life sends our way.  This presentation will [...]

Pandemic Loss

Pandemic Loss Dealing With Grief During A Pandemic The current pandemic has not only impacted the physical health of many throughout the world but perhaps an even larger number have been impacted psychologically and spiritually. What losses are you experiencing during this time? Join [...]

A Child’s Plight

A Child's Plight Finding Safety for Children During the COVID-19 Pandemic Child abuse is expected to intensify during the present coronavirus pandemic, but children have less access to help.  Reintegration into a "new normal" of life can bring up mental and emotional trauma as [...]

Health Disparities

Health Disparities Ministering To the Afflicted Health disparities have long existed in all societies, and have become all the more prevalent and obvious in the context of COVID-19.  We will discuss how churches can take practical steps to minister to this need. [...]

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