Day 1
For the week during Sunday – Friday, invite your group to come together for a short exercise activity and study time. Decide on when, where and how to meet. Online and in-person meetings both have pros and cons, so work with your group to keep everyone motivated and safe. Here is a suggested guide for planning your time together.
Welcome & opening prayer
5 min
Group exercise
15-20 min
Devotional video
3-5 min
Group Bible study
10-15 min
Total Time
33-45 min

Today’s Goals
Use the Activity Guide to learn how many reps you need to do for your activity level (beginner, intermediate, or advanced).
Work along with the team using the video. Be sure to stretch in order to prevent injury, and go at your pace.
Optional and important: stretch!
Dream of Balance
After watching the devotional video, use the Devotional Guide to have a meaningful and inspiring conversation together with your group. If you are doing this program on your own, think of someone who you share your thoughts with through a phone call/text/email/message. Or use your creative skills and draw, paint, compose music, make a video, etc. Post online and tag #madetomove
Keep Going
Get in some cardio (walking/running) on your own time. It’s a great opportunity to think about the inspirational lessons discussed today. Track your steps throughout the day and see how you do. Use the Activity Tracker to keep count, or use any smartphone/online app.
Remember to drink water and get in a good stretch. And finally, get some rest to prepare for tomorrow’s challenge!