
COVID-19 Relations


COVID-19 Navigating Communication & Relational Aspects James 1:19 counsels believers to "be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to get angry." That can be challenging in this land of many opinions concerning how best to curb the current pandemic. Join us as we seek to minister in the midst of differing opinions. Let us know what you thought of the presentation by completing the online feedback form. Give Feedback Meet Our Presenter Costin Jordache, MA, MBA, APR Vice President of Public Relations and Marketing Adventist HealthCare Costin [...]

COVID-19 Relations2021-10-10T13:44:49-04:00



Gardening for Better Health My Journey Through the years, God has placed me in professional health environments and called me to make better lifestyle changes. While I haven’t always made changes readily, it has been a worthwhile journey. Join us next week as I share my personal health journey, my love of gardening and how well the two work together. Let us know what you thought of the presentation by completing the online feedback form. Give Feedback Meet Our Presenter Philip Riley Philip Riley graduated from Washington Adventist University [...]


Alzheimer’s Disease


Alzheimer’s Disease Dispelling the Myths In this presentation we will focus on: The historical perspective of Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) in minority populations.  Myths versus Truth! The disproportionately higher incidence of AD in the African American population and “why.” Is it simple forgetfulness or cognitive impairment? What’s the difference? What’s happening with the brain as neurons suffer with buildup of plaque? Understanding and responding to Dementia related behaviors:  helpful tips for caregivers. After the diagnosis then what? A legal perspective, through the journey. The role of the nurse, community, and church from a social perspective. [...]

Alzheimer’s Disease2022-04-19T08:12:03-04:00

Dietary Guidelines for Americans


Dietary Guidelines for Americans Are They Worth the Trouble? Every five years the United States releases Dietary Guidelines for Americans for the purpose of promoting health and preventing disease.  But is there value in this process?  Don’t we already know enough about nutrition?  In this webinar we will learn about the process involved, what the Guidelines mean, and how they can be beneficial for ministry. Meet Our Presenters Dr. Joan Sabaté, MD, DrPH Joan Sabaté MD, DrPH, is a Professor of Nutrition and Epidemiology at Loma Linda University School of [...]

Dietary Guidelines for Americans2021-04-09T00:34:34-04:00

Balance Restored


Balance Restored In An Unstable Environment Do we sometimes wonder if we are moving forward or backward?  Are we right side up or upside down?  Please join us as Dr. Beverly Sedlacek invites us to look inwardly at the current state of our hearts and minds.  We will also receive proven, timeless and wholesome methods to restore balance in an unstable environment enabling us to offer help to others we seek to serve. Meet Our Presenter Beverly Sedlacek, DNP,  PMHCNS-BC Dr. Sedlacek is a gifted speaker, therapist, author and educator [...]

Balance Restored2022-04-19T17:05:24-04:00

Preserving Hope


Preserving Hope An Introduction to Suicide Prevention Join us as we explore the growing concern of suicide and discuss suicide prevention, intervention, and postvention.  All of us, and especially ministry leaders, need to understand signs of suicidal ideation, be able to ask questions that encourage discussion, and know where to direct individuals for specialized care. Meet Our Presenters William Cork, MA, MDiv William Cork is Assistant Director of Adventist Chaplaincy Ministries for the North American Division and serves as a chaplain in the US Army Reserve. In addition to eighteen [...]

Preserving Hope2022-04-19T17:06:04-04:00



FCN And COVID-19 Sorting Facts From Fiction In this webinar we discuss critical thinking and a decision tree that can be used by FCNs to discern facts from fiction during this pandemic as they engage in health promotion. Meet Our Presenter Katia Reinert, PHD, MSN, RN, CRNP, FNP-BC, PHCNS-BC, FCN Dr Katia Reinert serves as Health Ministries associate director for the General Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist church. She is a Family Nurse Practitioner and Public Health Clinical Nurse Specialist and practices internal medicine at Shepherds clinic in Baltimore, Maryland. [...]

FCN And COVID-192021-10-10T13:46:06-04:00

The COVID-19 Vaccines


The COVID-19 Vaccines Sorting Through Facts, Sharing Our Mission There’s no doubt that a vaccine has been much anticipated ever since COVID-19 was declared to be a pandemic. In this webinar, we will hear from renowned experts, Dr. David Williams and Dr. Roger Seheult, and consider what we know to date about the vaccines, questions and concerns, and implications for certain population groups.  We will also discuss what the Church can do to foster hope, awareness, and healing. Meet Our Presenters Dr. David Williams, PhD, MPH, MDiv Dr. Williams is [...]

The COVID-19 Vaccines2021-10-10T13:47:27-04:00

Where the Journey Began


Where the Journey Began The Keynote of Our Story Every story has a beginning.  In this presentation, we will explore the story of the Journey to Wholeness addiction recovery program, learning why it is founded on the principles of 12-step recovery programs.  Learn how the joy, hope, and courage that comes from peer support is a keynote of our story of recovery. Meet Our Presenter Jackie Bishop Mom of three, occupational therapist, pastor, in recovery for 20+ years, and co-author of the Journey to Wholeness material, which focuses on the [...]

Where the Journey Began2022-04-19T17:09:00-04:00

Trauma And the Sanctuary


Trauma And the Sanctuary Creating an Environment of Support for Traumatized Individuals in Faith Based Organizations Trauma is an epidemic in the world today. New research continues to testify of the dramatic effects of trauma upon the brain and body. This presentation will provide further understanding into the effects of trauma while presenting skills to address its far-reaching impact that go beyond just suggesting counseling. The Andrews University Trauma Education Team will highlight intersections between faith and science, understanding Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and relevant approaches for working within faith-based organizations. Meet [...]

Trauma And the Sanctuary2022-04-19T17:09:39-04:00
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