Addiction Needs Survey

Please note, this survey is not meant to diagnose or provide treatment for a substance use disorder or other behavioral addiction.  Please consult with your healthcare provider to determine the treatment plan that will be best for your needs.

Adventist Recovery Ministries Survey
1. Are you controlled by your actions, behaviors, and choices?
2. Do you or someone you know need help managing anger?
3. Is there a besetting sin that keeps you entangled in its web?
4. Are you or were you abused?
5. Do you or someone you know need help with substance abuse?
6. Are you every embarrassed by or do you seek to hide any activity?
7. Does fear keep you from getting help for your private sins?
8. Is there a character weakness you’d like to change?
9. Do you know anyone you can trust to share your life?
10. Is there a safe place where you can be yourself?
11. Does the cost of getting help appear to be too great?
12. Are you currently working a personal program of recovery?
Other than questions 9, 10, and 12, if you answered yes to any of the above questions, a Christ-Centered 12-Step Recovery Program and/or other 12 Step Recovery Program is for you.

Get Trained

To become trained as a Journey to Wholeness Facilitator, you will need to complete all three of the following.

Our next live training will be during the virtual Mental Health Summit.  Click the button below to learn more.