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Working Together
Working Together As the new president of AAFCN, I look forward to working with each of you. Our journey together reminds me of the paralyzed man who was carried on a mat [...]
Agape Love In Action
Agape Love In Action What is agape love? Who needs it? Where can one find it? Agape love is defined in Webster’s dictionary as a Greek word that means “brotherly love [...]
Implications of the Heart: The Heart Matters
Implications of the Heart: The Heart Matters The heart is muscular and is responsible for pumping life-sustaining blood to every organ and cell in the body. The heart is a strong and [...]
Finding Peace in Hospice and Palliative Care
Finding Peace in Hospice and Palliative Care I will keep them in perfect peace whose minds are stayed on thee (emphasis supplied). Isaiah 26:3 When we think of Hospice and Palliative [...]
Peace In the Night Season
Peace In the Night Season It’s almost Christmas. The daylight hours have shortened, and the nights have grown longer. Here in North America, darkness now absorbs more than half of the [...]
Peace with Diabetes Self-Management During the Holidays
Peace with Diabetes Self-Management During the Holidays Each year the month of November is designated as National Diabetes Month. Individuals with diabetes, however, often struggle to manage this condition every month. [...]