Active Shooter Awareness
Emergency Safety Planning & Active Shooter Awareness Learning Objectives Active shooter and active killer incidents are sporadic and unpredictable. Recent history indicates that houses of worship are not exempt from these episodes. Development of an emergency response plan and subsequent drills may [...]
Resilience: Thriving Under Pressure
Resilience Thriving Under Pressure Learning Objectives Nurses will understand the significance of resilience, as it relates to coping with stress and challenging situations. Nurses will learn practical techniques and approaches to foster resilience to help them bounce back from difficult experiences. [...]
Church Safety and the Nurse
Church Safety and the Nurse Understanding the protocol response to active threats and the FCN role in prevention and response Learning Objectives Some of the major causes that lead to threats on faith based properties are issues that fall under the ‘ministry [...]
Supporting Traumatized Individuals in the Church Community
Supporting Traumatized Individuals in the Church Community Learning Objectives In every community and population, there is trauma. It is an epidemic in the world today. New research is coming out every year testifying to the dramatic effects of trauma upon the brain and [...]
Financial Fraud & Abuse
Financial Fraud & Abuse Learning Objectives This seminar will prepare you to: Define the fraud Triangle Identify some of the different types of occupational fraud in the healthcare industry Describe instances of Asset Misappropriation Identify various methods used to obtain personal information or [...]
Hospice vs Palliative Care
Hospice vs Palliative Care in 2022 Learning Objectives Identify the difference between Hospice and Palliative Care Identify 3 Medicare Hospice Eligibility Criteria. Identify services covered by Hospice under the Medicare benefit. Discuss barriers to electing Hospice Benefit in the Christian community. Meet [...]
Irrepressible Courage
Irrepressible Courage Staying the Course How does a health care provider maintain their passion and well-being when faced with overwhelming pressures? What can we learn about resilience from an IV? Join us as we explore how prayer and praise can help you stay the [...]
Resilience Thriving Under Pressure Caregiving professionals carry a tremendous load in our world today. The pressure health care workers, social service providers and clergy face can only be relieved when resilience is the focus and conscious choices are made that lead towards responsible wholeness. [...]
Serving Our Veterans
Honoring and Serving Our Veterans Join Chaplain Paul Anderson as he shares his expertise and experience to explore ideas for FCNs to minister effectively to the veterans and their families in our congregations and communities. Let us know what you thought of the [...]
Vaccine Mandates
Vaccine Mandates Overreaching or Responsible? Join the North American Division Public Affairs and Religious Liberty department as they host an online conversation to discuss the recent vaccine mandates and protection of freedom of conscience in light of Adventist biblical understanding and historical accounts regarding issues [...]
Protecting our Greatest Assets
Protecting our Greatest Assets COVID-19 and Children's Health Learning Objectives Understand the impact of COVID 19 and the variants on children’s health and how to protect our greatest assets COVID-19 Vaccines in Children and Adolescents – what are the options Understand the impact of [...]
COVID-19 Relations
COVID-19 Navigating Communication & Relational Aspects James 1:19 counsels believers to "be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to get angry." That can be challenging in this land of many opinions concerning how best to curb the current pandemic. Join us as [...]
Alzheimer’s Disease
Alzheimer’s Disease Dispelling the Myths In this presentation we will focus on: The historical perspective of Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) in minority populations. Myths versus Truth! The disproportionately higher incidence of AD in the African American population and “why.” Is it simple forgetfulness or cognitive [...]
Dietary Guidelines for Americans
Dietary Guidelines for Americans Are They Worth the Trouble? Every five years the United States releases Dietary Guidelines for Americans for the purpose of promoting health and preventing disease. But is there value in this process? Don’t we already know enough about nutrition? In [...]
Balance Restored
Balance Restored In An Unstable Environment Do we sometimes wonder if we are moving forward or backward? Are we right side up or upside down? Please join us as Dr. Beverly Sedlacek invites us to look inwardly at the current state of our hearts [...]
Preserving Hope
Preserving Hope An Introduction to Suicide Prevention Join us as we explore the growing concern of suicide and discuss suicide prevention, intervention, and postvention. All of us, and especially ministry leaders, need to understand signs of suicidal ideation, be able to ask questions that [...]
FCN And COVID-19 Sorting Facts From Fiction In this webinar we discuss critical thinking and a decision tree that can be used by FCNs to discern facts from fiction during this pandemic as they engage in health promotion. Meet Our Presenter [...]
The COVID-19 Vaccines
The COVID-19 Vaccines Sorting Through Facts, Sharing Our Mission There’s no doubt that a vaccine has been much anticipated ever since COVID-19 was declared to be a pandemic. In this webinar, we will hear from renowned experts, Dr. David Williams and Dr. Roger Seheult, [...]
Where the Journey Began
Where the Journey Began The Keynote of Our Story Every story has a beginning. In this presentation, we will explore the story of the Journey to Wholeness addiction recovery program, learning why it is founded on the principles of 12-step recovery programs. Learn how [...]
Trauma And the Sanctuary
Trauma And the Sanctuary Creating an Environment of Support for Traumatized Individuals in Faith Based Organizations Trauma is an epidemic in the world today. New research continues to testify of the dramatic effects of trauma upon the brain and body. This presentation will provide [...]
The Other Way Around
The Other Way Around Gaining Support For Recovery Ministry Every story has a beginning. In this presentation, we will explore the story of the Journey to Wholeness addiction recovery program, learning why it is founded on the principles of 12-step recovery programs. Learn how [...]
Hannah’s Prayer
Hannah's Prayer Special Prayer and Praise Session We're not told much about this woman of the Bible. Hannah - the barren and afflicted wife. But there is much in her prayers that we can learn from. Meet Our Presenter Angeline [...]
Civic Engagement
Civic Engagement A Christian Response Heightened partisanship has made many wary of political engagement. Others feel disenfranchised due to a lack of representation by their government leaders. But there are many reasons to celebrate our opportunities for political and civic engagement, the primary of [...]
What’s Wrong With You
Moving from “What is Wrong with You?” to “What Happened to You?” Creating an Environment of Support for Traumatized Individuals in Faith Based Organizations In every community and population, there is trauma. It is an epidemic in the world today. New research is coming [...]
Building Resilience
Building Resilience In At-Risk Youth What builds resilience among at risk youth? Resilience is defined as the ability to overcome a difficult environment and thrive amidst surrounding chaos. Decades of research demonstrate that all of our youth are at risk for substance abuse and [...]
Caring For the Elderly
Caring For the Elderly Ministering to A High Risk Population In the COVID-19 Era COVID-19 has uncovered and exploited many of our weaknesses – personal, behavioral, and overall health, societal, and even Public Health. Hardest hit have been the elderly and those with underlying [...]
Living Free
Living Free Finding Freedom from Habits that Hurt Habits are our friends - when they're good ones. But when bad habits develop, whether they involve food, substances, or behaviors - they can hijack your life. Discover how this multi-faceted resource can be utilized online, [...]
Financial Safety
Financial Safety In Times of Crisis In these unprecedented times of uncertainty, what should I be doing with my money. Should I save? Should I invest in the market? Should I liquidate? This presentation will help clarify some money handling do’s and don’ts and [...]
Burnout! Definition, Prevention, and Management Burnout is not simply about excessive workload. A variety of stressors may lead us down the road to exhaustion, negativism, and inefficacy, which are core symptoms of burnout. It should be taken seriously, otherwise it will be detrimental to [...]
5 Easy Ways
5 Easy Ways To Encourage Your Connections to Seek Help with Addiction If you are online, you have influence. What you do with this influence matters. The good news is that it has never been easier to lead people to hope and wholeness. This [...]
Racism Recovery With Support At our next InTouch meeting the history and Biblical foundation of anonymous support groups will be reviewed. The principles, steps and proven traditions used by those overcoming alcoholism, narcotic addictions and other illnesses will be highlighted during the discussion of [...]
When COVID-19 Came To Dinner
When COVID-19 Came To Dinner Personal Story of A Pastoral Family Pastor Greg Webster and wife, Nelli, an AAFCN Board Member, recovered from COVID-19 and share their personal experience with the InTouch audience. How did an unknown exposure at a family dinner turn their [...]
Engaging Your Pastor
Engaging Your Pastor Keys to Winning Them To Recovery Ministries Engaging your church pastor is key to keeping your recovery ministry program going strong. Join Pastor Robert Hines, Recovery Ministries Coordinator for the Florida Conference, as he highlights the benefits of having pastoral support [...]
Recovery for Emotional Trauma
Recovery for Emotional Trauma Finding Healing in the Midst of COVID-19 & Racial Tensions The past few months have seen heightened emotional trauma related to COVID-19 and racial tensions, in addition to the usual human tensions that life sends our way. This presentation will [...]
Pandemic Loss
Pandemic Loss Dealing With Grief During A Pandemic The current pandemic has not only impacted the physical health of many throughout the world but perhaps an even larger number have been impacted psychologically and spiritually. What losses are you experiencing during this time? Join [...]
A Child’s Plight
A Child's Plight Finding Safety for Children During the COVID-19 Pandemic Child abuse is expected to intensify during the present coronavirus pandemic, but children have less access to help. Reintegration into a "new normal" of life can bring up mental and emotional trauma as [...]
Can We Talk?
Can We Talk? Many of us believe that the local church is an ideal environment in which to receive education and support on the important topic of advanced planning. Perhaps you have seen or even experienced families struggle as they have entered into conversations with [...]
Healthy Boundaries
Healthy Boundaries What They Are and How to Maintain Them In order to have a well-developed sense of self, a person must have healthy boundaries, but not walls. This presentation will describe how to develop and maintain healthy boundaries which are essential to healthy [...]
Strategic Thinking for Everyday Living
Strategic Thinking for Everyday Living Exploring the Benefits of Being Strategic to Obtain Your Goals On the job, in the home, or for personal growth. These are all areas where being strategic can move us towards our goals. We’ll talk about some effective ways [...]
Going Online
Going Online Steps to Establishing an Online Addiction Recovery Ministry Join us as we discuss keys to hosting a successful online Journey to Wholeness program. Meet Our Presenter Angeline David Brauer, DrPH, MHS, RDN Dr. Brauer serves as the Health [...]
Health Disparities
Health Disparities Ministering To the Afflicted Health disparities have long existed in all societies, and have become all the more prevalent and obvious in the context of COVID-19. We will discuss how churches can take practical steps to minister to this need. [...]
Behind the Mask
Behind the Mask Celebrating Our Nurses The current health crisis is revealing the true character of our frontline responders. The spotlight shining on the courage of nurses is appropriate but nothing new. The nurse behind the mask has always been a warrior of compassion, [...]
The Healthy Nurse
The Healthy Nurse Practicing Self-Care During Crisis As National Nurses Week is May 6th - 12th the AAFCN Board would like to recognize and thank all nurses as they are working so hard during this COVID-19 crisis. Nurses are so busy taking care of [...]
Best Practices
Best Practices Using Zoom For Your Online Group Meetings Video recording is not available. Meet Our Presenters Frank Sanchez Frank serves as the Recovery Ministries Coordinator in the Southern Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. Stephen Eccles Stephen is currently a student [...]
America’s Opioid Addiction Crisis
America's Opioid Addiction Crisis Learning Objectives To provide information on the current trends and prevalence of opioid use and abuse To be able to recognize the signs & symptoms of addiction and opioid abuse To know practical steps to take to address opioid addiction [...]
Bereavement Support
Bereavement Support When Trauma Complicates Grief [useyourdrive dir="1vq-iLyXoZcjIzzpWegGC8ZUWqZKf0h4T" mode="video" include="Bereavement Support_2018-05-01.mp4" viewrole="administrator|aafcn" downloadrole="administrator|aafcn" mediaextensions="mp4|mp4"] With the growing prevalence of natural disasters, school shootings, and other traumatic losses, this webinar addresses how a Faith Community Nurse may offer appropriate bereavement support with affected members of her [...]
FCN Scope & Standards of Practice
Faith Community Nursing Scope & Standards of Practice 2017 Updates and Practice Trends This webinar will identify current and emerging trends influencing faith community nursing practice. It will highlight changes incorporated into 2017 issue of the Scope and Standards of Practice: Faith Community Nursing, 3rd [...]
Stewardship Through Risk Management
Stewardship Through Risk Management [useyourdrive dir="1vq-iLyXoZcjIzzpWegGC8ZUWqZKf0h4T" mode="video" include="Risk Management_2017-05-02.mp4" viewrole="administrator|aafcn" downloadrole="administrator|aafcn" mediaextensions="mp4|mp4"] We often think of risk management as simply insurance. However, risk management encompasses far more than insurance and understanding this will have a positive impact on your health ministry. In this webinar, we [...]